Privacy Policy




  • Type-written Manuscripts in MS Word (.doc) format should be submitted to
  • Manuscripts will be published in the Journal after a review by the Subject Matter Experts
  • Papers will be published both in the print and online version
  • All submitted articles will go under a review process by 2 reviewers which may take at least 15-20 days. If the paper is accepted  with revision , the researcher has to apply all points suggested  by the reviewers. Then, corrected paper will be viewed by the editor again to be acceptable for publication which will take at least again 15-20 working days,)


  • Papers should be typed in MS Word (.doc format) Times New Roman Font.
  • Paper should be formatted in 1.5 Line Spacing.
  • List of Keywords should be given in Alphabetical Ascending Order.


Mode of Payments:

1. Payment options for Indian Authors:

You can choose anyone of the following option for payment

  • Authors can directly pay to our bank account which is mentioned in our acceptance mail.
  • Through net banking, you can transfer amount to our specified account number in our acceptance mail.
  • Online payment thru Credit Card/ Debit Card/Net Banking

2. Payment options for Foreign Authors:

You can choose anyone of the following option for payment

  • Authors can directly pay to our bank account which is mentioned in our acceptance mail.
  • Foreign authors can pay the amount through Western Union Money transfer/ Money Gram/ Express Money/ Paypal etc.
  • Online payment thru Credit Card/ Debit Card

 if you have any problem with currencies, country and transfer method, feel free to contact us. We will assist you.

  • Title of Paper should be in 12 Points and Bold in Times New Roman
  • Headings: 11 Points
  • Author Name and Affiliation should be in 10 Points and Bold
  • Text of the Manuscript: 11 Points
  • Length of paper is limited to 10  Pages.
  • There can be a Maximum of Five Authors per paper
  • Page Margins should be as follows - Top Margin 1.2 inches, Bottom Margin 0.6 inch, Left Margin 0.8 inch, Right Margin 0.6 inch
  • List of References must be present. Papers without references will not be reviewed



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  • Paper must accompany the Copyright Transfer Form (Duly Signed by all the Authors and Scanned) by E-mail to

    Parallel Submission: Paper(s) once submitted to us should NOT be submitted in parallel to other companies to avoid confusion that would arise out of duplicate publication. If it is done, it will be at the risk of the authors who is submitting the manuscript and we as a publisher will not take any responsibility.


    Plagiarism : We are calling for Original research papers ONLY for publication. We assume that there won't be any plagiarism related issues (having full trust on the authors) from the papers submitted by authors. This includes self plagiarism, the manuscript content should not be submitted/stored in any URL/Database/Website before submitting to us for publication.


    If plagiarism is found during the course of publication process, the corresponding author will be notified along with plagiarism report. This plagiarism check / validation will be done for 2 times free of cost. Authors must use this opportunity to eradicate the plagiarism issues. From 3rd time onwards, it will be charged as ?500(For Indian authors) / $15 (for Foreign authors) per plagiarism check / validation. Once cleared, the article will be processed further.


    Publication in Third party / collaborative journals : It is the responsibility of the authors of the manuscript who are submitting the paper, to validate and verify the authenticity and indexing of the 3rd party/collaborative journals before submission.


    Note 1: Please send ALL your communications/responses only to these email ids ( & and you are requested not to send any communications/responses to any other email id till your article's publication. Otherwise, it will hinder the progress of the publication process and we will not take any responsibility thereafter.


    Note 2: Please note that there will not be any changes possible after the publication of the article.


    Note 3: As a publisher, we are responsible for the process of publication ONLY.


    Note 4: Indexing will be done by the Indexing Agency (Eg., Scopus / Web of Science/ PubMed / DOAJ / PMC / MedLine etc.) only. Indexing is one of the responsibilities and deliverables of Indexing Agency. Publishers can only publish the article and cannot influence the indexing process in any way. Indexing is entirely dependent on content, indexing partner guidelines, and their indexing procedures. The complete process for including any article(s) / authorship in the Scopus / Web of Science/ PubMed / DOAJ / PMC / MedLine / and other indexing databases are done only by the respective indexing organization's internal teams and no publisher can interfere or influence the process. Journal or Publication House is not involved in the decision-making regarding indexing and/or abstracting in any indexing database and cannot influence the processing time of paper for the same. Post-publication and indexing process, if for any reasons whatsoever and under any extraneous circumstances, due to conflicts between the journal publisher and indexing agency or due to non-adherence to ethical standards, if the indexing is rescinded/paper is removed from the database by the indexing agent (Scopus, Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters)/ PubMed / DOAJ / PMC / MedLine etc.), we cannot be held responsible/accountable for the same.


    Note 5: Soft copy and the URL are provided for articles published in 3rd party/collaborative journals, certificate is not provided for collaborative journals. DOIs are publisher-specific and all the publishers need not provide DOIs. Assignment of DOIs to the articles in any volume/ issue of the journal can be cancelled at any point in time by the publisher & it is at the sole discretion of the journal publisher. 



    Note 6: After the submission of the article to our editorial team, it will be subjected to a double-blind peer review process. Once it is done, the outcome of the review process will be sent to the registered email id of the corresponding author by our editorial team. That is, if the article is accepted, we (International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET)) will only be sending the provisional acceptance through email.


Note 7: Research Publications depend on various stages, dependencies, phases, barriers, impediments, and extraneous factors. The publication duration is completely based on the dependencies and so, it may get reduced or elongated. Publication Company does not have any control over it and our company is not liable for the delays, if any. Nevertheless, we will track all the publications for their closure to meet our esteemed author’s expectations and satisfaction.  Please note that the time of acceptance/publication may get extended due to article quality issues, revisions, or corrections; and may even get rejected because of quality or not meeting the journal standards.


Note 8: If the Publication gets cancelled due to any extraneous factors from publisher's side, the full payment will get refunded to the concerned author. If the article is rejected by the journal due to author-related reasons like poor technical quality or inability to meet the journal guidelines etc., then a 20% administrative service fee will be deducted and the remaining 80% will be refunded. 


Note 9: Once the publication process is initiated (after the completion of the payment process) by us, either the retraction/ withdrawal of the article from the submission/Publication process by the author(s) or the refund of the payment cannot be honoured/ effected by us, whatsoever be the reasons. 


Note 10: Responding to this email will be considered as a confirmation and affirmation that the authors have reviewed the publication procedures, terms, conditions, and policies mentioned on our organization's website ( and have agreed to the same.


Note 11: We are a publisher and we are responsible for publishing your above-titled article in the above-mentioned journal. We are not responsible for the journal's future status of indexing, its commercial exchange (buying, selling by 3rd party publishers, editors, etc.,), editorial board changes, change of journal website URLs due to migration, porting , website technical issues etc., and their publishing ownership change, modifications in the reviewer’s committee & its impact, web server and application server's functioning, their continuity and domain renewals & journal’s academic and business existence etc.,  We act as data source points only and it is up to you to select/deny/choose any of our suggestions & recommendations. You may publish your articles in accordance with your acquired knowledge and it is our recommendation that you consult with your research department/guide/research experts/colleagues before proceeding with your article/manuscript publication in the above journal(s) recommended by us.

Note 12: Publication duration refers only to the working/business days. That is, it does not include Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays, Natural calamity/disaster holidays, Government Bandh etc.,


 Note 13: Based on the Scopus evidence, recommendation, and suggestion at the date/time of provisional acceptance, we are proceeding ahead with the article publication process and so we will not accept any liability due to any change in the Scopus Home Page (if at all) or any other change from Scopus beyond the date/time of provisional acceptance. We will not be in a position to retract or refund the payment, if any to the authors, as such occurrences are out of our control/purview.     

Note 14:  International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET JOURNALS) makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in our publications. However, IASET Journals, our agents (including the editor, any member of the editorial team or editorial board, and any guest editors), and our licensors, make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by IASET Journals . The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. IASET Journals shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to, or arising out of the use of the Content. 


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Note 15: In the event that we are unable to perform our commitments/obligations due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, terrorism, pandemics, government regulations, natural disasters, or any other unforeseeable and uncontrollable events, such non-performance shall be excused for the duration of the force majeure event. We will take all reasonable and possible steps to mitigate the effects of the event. During the force majeure event, our Company/ Stakeholders /  Board of Directors / Managers / Executives / Representatives shall be relieved from any liability or obligation that arises due to the inability to perform and meet the deliverables and commitments. 


Terms and Conditions for Writing Services


  1. Customers can opt for any of the writing services like Synopsis Writing, Thesis Writing, Article Writing

services by sending elaborate requirements as per the format given by us.


  1. After getting requirements, we will assign a Technical writer to the customer and conduct a conference call. This conference call is initiated for understanding customer’s requirements clearly and lucidly


  1. You give/grant to Us (Our representatives, agents, employers) a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable license to use, host, store, reproduce, create derivative works (such as those resulting from translations, adaptations, or other changes), You communicate such content Delivery and Copyright


  1. We shall not be responsible or liable for any type of delivery issues including those resulting from any of your service providers like the Internet, email, etc. or natural calamities, pandemic etc., which are beyond our control or failure of customer to download the product.


  1. After the delivery of the product, you have an option to request revision within 7 business days since the moment the writing work was delivered to you. Customers can seek revisions of the product if it does not meet the specifications provided by the Customer. If the customer do not seek any revisions in the delivered writing work, it will be deemed as acceptance. Release of funds by the Customer is deemed as completion of the job to the satisfaction of the Customer. Once the entire agreed sum is received by us, it is deemed that the work is complete and is to your satisfaction; therefore, no refund will be possible.


  1. After the initiation of the order by our team, if the customer wants us to refund the paid amount, the payment will not get refunded at any cost.


  1. Writing services and Publications are depending on various extraneous factors. The Writing services /Publication duration is completely based on that and it may get reduced or elongated. We do not have any control over it and the company is not liable for the delays, if any. 


  1. We are not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any communication network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any email due to technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or through any of Our Services or combination thereof, including any injury or damage to Customer or to any person's computer related to or resulting from participation or downloading materials (for the purpose of viewing only), in connection with our Services Governing Law. These Terms & conditions/ disclaimers shall be governed by the law of Tamil Nadu. 


  1. Dispute Resolution:-


               Any action or other judicial proceeding for the enforcement of this agreement or any of its provisions shall be instituted in the courts/ consumer forum & any other legal forums of competent jurisdiction of Tamil Nadu .


  1. Contact us:-


Any questions or concerns about these Terms and Conditions of use should be brought to our attention by email to and providing us with information relating to your concern.



 Terms and Conditions :



“We”, “Us”, “Our”, “" shall mean International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET), a company incorporated under The Companies Act, 1956 by ROC, Chennai.


“Terms”, “Terms and conditions”, “Policy”, “T&C” shall mean the entire Agreement and all parallel policies that you agree to in mutual agreement by using our website and subject materials. .

“You”, “Your”, “User” refers to the end user of the website. “User” is anyone who is visiting, accessing, browsing or placing an order through the Website.


“Website” refers to  “”  which is the domain owned by International Academy of Science , Engineering and Technology (IASET)


“Content” refers to any texts, images, graphics, videos, audios, or any other form of data which are available in our website  -"” 


“Third Party” refers to any person or any Organization or Publishers or Vendors other than the “User” or the “Website”


  1. Your use of the Website and services and tools are governed by these terms and conditions as applicable to the Website including the applicable policies which are incorporated herein.


  1. By using this web site you are indicating your acceptance to abide by the Terms and Conditions which can be updated or modified at any time by reserve the right, at our sole discretion to change, modify, add or delete, any or all parts of this Terms of Use without any intimation to You. It shall be your responsibility to revisit the Terms of Use and acquaint yourself with any changes that may be made. Your continued use of the Site after such changes have been made shall be deemed to be an acceptance of the revised policies.www.iaset.usmay further, in its discretion terminate or end the relationship with any User with or without furnishing reasons for the same. Any outstanding amounts due to any enduser may be repaid at such time.


  1. We completely research on every topic that we are assigned to and we are not involved in selling any ready-made research work. We educate the client / user at every stage (if inquired by the client / user, at separate cost) and the research work that we are committing is to be used as a reference and not to be submitted as it is.


  1. Through this website or our email communications, you may be re-directed to other websites/ email communications that belong to vendors, publishers etc., for various purposes and links. shall not be liable for any of such websites/email communications and their related links. It shall be your responsibility to visit those websites / hyperlinks and acquaint yourself with the authenticity, terms and conditions of them. shall not be liable for any of the mistakes / errors committed by the third party vendors, publishers’ websites.No judgment or warranty is made with respect to such other services or sites and takes no responsibility for such other sites or services. A link to another site or service is not an endorsement of that site or service.


  1. Payments will be received thru Internet Banking services which are safe. Since your purchase is a digital service / product, it is deemed “used” after download / opening and all purchases made on are non refundable. Since the products made available here are intangible, there is a strict “No Refund” policy.

Other situations which we encounter are as given below:



  1. Within 24 Hours of order placement and payment/advance payment

Upto 90% of the order value

Although we intend to give a 100% refund for the order, we incur costs for the payment gateway and accounts when we return the money to you and hence the 10%.

Exception: This is however valid only for normal order with delivery of over 10 days. For urgent orders (Less than 7 days of completion time), no refund shall be provided.

  1. Within 2-3 Days from the date of confirmation and payment/advance payment

Upto 50% of the order value

A Writer gets allocated the next day after confirmation and hence a 50% amount reduction is done.

Further, this refund is subject to a genuine reason for cancellation of the order. In case of no reason provided, no refunds will be effected. For urgent orders like above there will be no refunds.

After 3 days from the date of confirmation, No refunds shall be entertained at this stage.



Within the time frame
 of completion of the work:
Upto 100% of the order value
The amount in excess to our quote without any addition in scope will be refunded, for both normal and urgent orders.

No writer was found
Upto 100% of the order value
We shall refund a maximum of 100% of the amount paid to us for the order.

Work Rejection
In the event you are not satisfied with the quality of work, we can revise the work till you are convinced on the same.For research / review paper writing services, revisions can be undertaken upto 4 working days with a maximum revision count of 2. For Undergradute and postgraduate dissertation writing services, , revisions can be undertaken upto 6 working days with a maximum revision count of 2. For PhD thesis writing services, revisions can be undertaken upto 10 working days for each chapter with a maximum revision count of 2.

However no refunds shall be entertained.

I did not pass my coursework
Our work is intended to be used as a “reference” and not to be submitted ‘as is’. Absolutely no refunds shall be entertained.

General Disclaimers:

3. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information. The site is designed, updated and maintained by The information contained in this Website is intended, solely to provide general information for the personal use of the reader, who accepts full responsibility for its use and does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any information, including content or advertisements contained on, distributed through, or linked, downloaded or accessed from any of the services contained on this website. The website may contain inaccuracies, typographical, technical and clerical errors, though efforts had been made to ensure accuracy.The Website provides hosting services to sellers and buyers and its  role and contribution of is to facilitate the interaction between the buyers and the sellers, and not to monitor or regulate thesame. also does not provide any guarantee about the quality, reliability or fitness for use of the products and services sold or exchanged.In no event shall be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever with respect to the service, contents as found in this website. You further acknowledge and agree that, under no circumstances shall be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses whatsoever.


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7. Neither we nor any third parties or our collaborators (Publishers, Vendors etc.) provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and materials found or offered on this website / email communications for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law

 8. Your use of any information or materials on this website is entirely at your own risk, for which we shall not be liable. It shall be your own responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through this website or email communications meet your specific requirements.


9.For writing services, all our quotations are valid for a maximum time period of six month. We / Company will have the authority to change the price post six month timeline.


10. Any request for changes post finalization of scope will be considered as SCOPE CREEP. Company will have the authority to increase the project effort in man hours / budget as appropriate.


11. Hereby, you are granting Company, its officers, affiliates, employees, directors, agents, consultants, and representatives a royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual, and worldwide license to use User Content in connection with Company, its affiliates, directors, employees, directors, agents, consultants, and representatives’ Internet business. You will not be paid for any User Content you submit. You agree that Company may use your name in connection with your User Content and may publish or otherwise disclose it..


Work Flow Process for Research writing services:


Researcher (PhD Student, Scholar, Faculty or Entrepreneur) and Company/Organization refers Client as any or all the above said terms who confirm their project with us.


Project means the writing/editing/analytical work/illustrative tasks/ Research work / Review work / Case studies, that are committed between client and PhD Research Guide.

Conference call arrangement will be done only between 10am - 6pm (Indian Standard Time -IST) on weekdays (Monday to Friday) based on experts availability


During the conference call, the project coordinator who has been with your  project will mediate your call


No details related to personal/payment should be discussed, on account of which the call will be immediately disconnected. This call is pertaining to the collection / elucidation of requirements and artifacts from the client.


After a conference call, an email will be sent to the client stating the details which is understood / conveyed by the expert over the phone. This has to be confirmed by the client/researcher without which the conference call details will not be considered as a valid point for future reference


We are unable to arrange for the conference call for Topic Selection, PowerPoint Presentation, Editing, Plagiarism correction, Formatting and referencing, Manuscript/Conference paper


Research Proposal/Assignments/Coursework/Case studies 15-20 minutes (for the entire project)


Masters research work / PhD research work 20-30 minutes (for the entire project)


Projects on Individual chapters 10 minutes (for the entire project)


The timeline mentioned above is to inform the client/researcher that the experts can be made available on request and within the stipulated timeline, the conference call is expected to complete. Further if any requests made from the researcher/client for conferencecall / Direct meeting, there is an additional payment applies.


Every project is committed between the client/Researcher and Project Research Guide of our company and not with Third party who may include, but not limited to, the clients' university / guide / supervisor / department / Journal publishers and their representatives. So any revision request from client end within the specified time will be addressed as per the commitment. Once the project is completed, any changes/comments/feedback in the requirement will be considered as a new requirement


Once the project files are dispatched, we will be awaiting for feedback/comments (if any) from the client/researcher up to Seven (7) days. On the eighth (8th) day, the client/researcher will be requested formally to get back to us for any minor modifications. Any major modifications will be considered as a new/additional request from this eighth day. After the timeline mentioned above, the client will be informed about the formal closure of the project from the team.


However PhD Research Guide of our company will not be able to take the responsibility in addressing your supervisor / guide / department / reviewer comments after the timeline is committed.


For Assignment/Research Proposal/Course work: From the date of dispatch, we are open to unlimited revisions up to 7 days.


For Masters Dissertation: 15 days from the dates of final file dispatch unlimited revisions for Masters up to 15 days and 30 days for Ph.D.


After the respective time durations mentioned above, any project will be considered as officially closed and any modifications irrespective of whether minor or major revisions will be considered as new requirement for which the following payment pattern applies.

We are committed towards providing a plagiarism-free work and not a free plagiarism report. However if plagiarism report is required, you can make an additional payment for the same


Whenever committing a project, you must let us know the format/version of the file which you require since every document that is dispatched will be only in Microsoft office (2007) version or relevant software formats.


We are not responsible to provide any software / screenshot of the software used since it is purely used for our internal purpose. The committed works will be provided with complete information in write-up


Google and Googler Scholar - Disclaimer


Same is the case with Google and Google Scholar also. Google and other search engines crawl the Internet using a software package named as Google crawler (also known as searchbot or spider). In other words, it "scans" the world wide web from webpage to webpage searching for fresh or revised data that Google doesn't yet have in its databases. So, it completely depends upon the Google algorithm and it may take a few days to a few months to get the process completed. Since it is being executed using 3rd party softwares, we are NOT liable for any delays caused due to this.